Animation and art done by @SaralotteB
What is this place? A haunted lounge and bath house! Feel free to come in and explore the spooky rooms, hang out, or head downstairs for a soak! If you're looking for the perfect place to RP or chill with a haunting atmosphere, we gotcha covered!
Location: Mateus Empyreum Ward 20 Plot 37
Mysterious Code...
Password: Spooktacular
Backup Mysterious Code...
Password: Spooktacular
1. 18+ only, both IC and OOC! Lotta skimpy swimsuits down in the bath area, so no minors. That includes no underage characters either.2 Be respectful. No need to ruin anyones' fun.3 No ERP in public. I get it, spooky bath house is a sexy setting, but please take it to private.4 Nudity in the bathing area is allowed, but please no sex animations.5 This is an RP venue so you don't have to pay actual gil, but tips are fine.
These are RP drinks & snacks, so no actual gil is required.
Pumpkin Juice - Might not be tasty, but at least it won't kill ya!Witch's Brew - Contains eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog... Maybe a touch of vodka too?Skeleshake - Fruity fizzy drink with a touch of bone dust and served in a half-skull!Milk - ....It's just milk, not badass, but it's served in a dirty glass if that helps?Poison - It has the skull and crossbones label...Don't drink this.Blood - Tomato Juice with a shot of Vodka... That is tomato juice and not actual blood, right? ... Right?Wherisky - Whisky distilled under a full moon by lycanthropes. Should put some hair on your chest!
Leftover All Saint's Wake Candy - Got plenty of it still laying around.Frog Jerky - Look, we're a freakin' haunted bath house, not a fancy restaurant, so if ya REALLy wanna eat here, go for it.Morbol Salad - QUICK! EAT IT BEFORE IT EATS YOU!Monster Eyes - Yummy doughnut holes filled with strawberry jelly! Totally not a real eyeball....Zombie Fingers - Not real fingers, just popoto fries that look like undead digits. If you find a bone....it's a popoto bone.Bath Burger - Brought to Ishgard centuries ago by a supposed vampiric Elezen countess of the Bathory family. Allegedly.
Shizuma Hisakawa
Owner, DJ, and Witch
Resua, The Undying
Bartender and Demoness

Svedvar Grimrost
Bartender and Smartass

Nifral the Fellstar
DJ and Fallen Angel

A'eviris & Asranna Amaranth
Bath Cattes / Securikitties

K'itay Nul'ah
Roguish Bartender/Bath attendant

Amalie Holm

Skade Ymir
Bath Attendant and Bartender
Skeleton Minion
Fill-in DJ, Bartender, Whatever

Screenshots by Momo